Find your next

career move

HuntHelper combines human expertise with smart automations to help you tell your career story. Whether you're seeking your dream job or aiming for a promotion, we'll help you build a team and show your work in the best light.

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Assemble your crew

Build and strengthen your network

HuntHelper helps you build a team to get you to the next chapter of your career. If you already have a great network, we offer some guidance on how to make good use of it.

Go forth and Achieve

Record your wins as HuntHelper Achievements

Build a record of achievements and skills that you can plug into HuntHelper's tools. We'll help you tell your career story in job interviews and performance reviews.

Keep it up

Make success a habit wherever you are

HuntHelper will remind you to write down your career achievements regularly, so you have a nice list to look back on when you're looking for your next role or making your case for a raise or promotion. Small drops eventually add up to create a mighty river.