HuntHelper Guides

Getting Started with HuntHelper

Job Hunting and Career Management Made Easy

HuntHelper serves two main functions:

  1. It simplifies your job hunt by tracking your applications, upgrading your resume, and preparing you for interviews.
  2. Once employed, it tracks your achievements, builds your network, and prepares you for future opportunities. It also aids in performance reviews.

With just a few minutes a week, HuntHelper gradually improves your career and network. Follow our method to make success a habit.

Setting Up a HuntHelper Account

To create a HuntHelper account, enter your email and set a password at the Sign Up page. When your account is initially set up, some default hunts and reminders will be set up automatically. For more details about your account, check out the Hunter guide.

Recording Achievements

To log an achievement, go to your Achievement hunt from the dashboard. Use the "Add Achievement" button to open a form to fill out the details of your achievement.

Starting with Networking

Networking is key in HuntHelper. Start by adding close friends or family who can help in your career. To add a teammate, use the "Invite Teammate" button on tour dashboard and add their email and a brief note. HuntHelper will send them an email using the address you provided where they can choose to accept your invite. For more, see the Networking guide.

Start a Job Hunt

To save a job, go to your Jub hunt from your dashboard and use the "Add job listing" button. Enter the job title, the URL for the job listing webpage, and any other information you have. If the job is listed on a supported site for Automatic Import then you only need to include the URL and HuntHelper will import the rest of the job details automatically.

Using a Skill Chart for Interview Prep

Skill charts link your skills to achievements and contacts. They show how your skills match a job's requirements, helping you prep for interviews. They also highlight useful references in your network. Refer to the Skill Chart guide for details.


HuntHelper sends reminders to add achievements, keep up with your networking contacts, and follow up with job listings. Reminders will includes links to HuntHelper to allow you to take action, and in some cases, you can reply to the email to add new information to HuntHelper. Learn more in the Reminders guide.
