HuntHelper Guides

Supported Emails

HuntHelper has a growing list of email addresses you can use to get organized. Here are the ones currently supported.

Career-related email addresses

Email addressWhat it's for
job@hunthelper.comSend job listing web addresses and HuntHelper will track them for you
achievement@hunthelper.comDescribe your career achievements and HuntHelper will track them and help you make good use of them in your career growth
skill@hunthelper.comSave a skill that you can use in a resume and link to achievements and references

Networking email addresses

Email addressWhat it's for
advisor@hunthelper.comAdds the email address to your network as an advisor and sends you advisor-related reminders
connect@hunthelper.comAdds the email address to your network as an uncategorized connection and sends you networking reminders
friend@hunthelper.comAdds your friend to your network and sends you friend-related reminders
invite@hunthelper.comThis is the same as
reference@hunthelper.comAdds the email address to your network as a reference and reminders for you to use them in your job hunt
teammate@hunthelper.comAdds the email address to your network as a teammate and sends you team-related reminders

Other email addresses

Most HuntHelper email addresses work automatically. Entries marked with indicate email addresses that go to a human at HuntHelper.

Email addressWhat it's for
bookmark@hunthelper.comKeep track of web pages you'd like to look at later
feedback@hunthelper.comShare your feedback about HuntHelper with us
getstarted@hunthelper.comCreates a HuntHelper account.
info@hunthelper.comIf you have general questions about HuntHelper, please send them to this email address
privacy@hunthelper.comIf you have questions about HuntHelper's privacy policy, please send them to this email address
support@hunthelper.comIf you have any issues using HuntHelper, please send us an email at
delete@hunthelper.comIf you want to delete your HuntHelper account, send an email to this address